Notes for My Biblical Worldview

Site: Rock Biblical Worldview Notes for My BW

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Add to bw 47

Add to cvefaq: was 'the flood' global or local? There is no scriptural
 basis what-so-ever for a local flood. There is no way to read scripture
 and come to the conclusion that it was anything but a global flood. If
 you think it was local, that belief was 'fed' to you. Read it yourself
 in gen7:19-24. The concepts of 'highest on earth' and 'every living
 thing on earth' are found 'six' times in those five verses. This would
 be gross negligence if the author didn't mean what he wrote. The apostle
 Peter believed it was accurate, as stated in 2pe3:3-7. For external
 confirmation consider the biblically sound explanations for the origin
 of the grand canyon, the ice age, fish fossils in the middle of
Gen9:5 (add as followup to golden rule or eye for eye)
Books of gen:
Gen13:6, 15:5, 17:1-2 (add to cvefaq)
Gen15:6 good pwv
Gen18:1-5,19:1-2 foreign to 21st century: a's respect for unkown random
Gen6:5-6,18:19 char of G, old T God not just wrathfull G
Gen10:13-19,17:20,19:36-38 (21:8-21) tribe origins, what becomes of them?
Gen10:25 curious comment
Text search "donkey"
Gen13:15 forever (not billions of years but rather until the the of time,
 whenever G chooses that to be)
Gen15:13-16 400 years but only 4 generations?
Sarah's paradox (old but amazingly beautiful?): gen12:11-15,17:15-21,
Abraham's 'fortune' (everything works out for him since he is a friend of
 G): gen12:1-5,16-20,13:1-2,10-12,14-18,14:13-24,15:5-6,13-15,20:9-15
New page: google map links to biblical locations
Gen? Foreign custom to 21 c west: his blessing was literal and he didn't
 repeal or augment
Gen31:24 vision (followup to 31:10-13)
Gen32:1-2 vision: jacob sees angels but there is no record of interaction
Pr30:23 women
Text search you will be my witness
Gen15:9-13 vision: G changes J's name
Gen35:28-29 example against euthenasia, compare gen27:1
Gen37:17-32 how hist dif if j's bro's didn't try to kill/sell him?
Gen41:45 global famine for seven years to get j's bro's to bow and repent
Gen46:2 vision: G reassures israel about going to egypt
Ez28:11-19 dawn of time: satans background

Last Modified: Sunday, April 1, 2012

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